It’s that time again!!
November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I’ve signed up for challenge for the second year in a row. During NaNoWriMo, you pledge to write a 50,000 page novel in the month of November.
Is that even possible you say? Isn’t that a daunting task you say?
The answer to both is “Well, yes.”
It’s more than possible to crank out 50,000 words with 30 days of concentrated effort. And no, it’s not that daunting of a task. The purpose of NaNo is simply to write, write, write. Not edit. So yes, a bunch of crap will be produced, but at the end of the month, you have 50,000 words of a solid effort that can be revised, tweaked, or extended into a masterpiece. 🙂
I did NaNo last year, but I fell short of the 50,000 word count goal by about 30,000 (give or take a word or two). In the past year, I’ve grown as a writer. I’m still not where I want to be, but I am further along than where I was.
So calling all writers, come join me in NaNoWriMo 2009. Even if you don’t reach the 50k mark, you’ll have more than you had going in. This year, I’m going to work on my Urban Fantasy trilogy. And in true NaNo spirit, I’m just going to go for it and see what I get. All I have is a theme (is you want to call it that), a very loose idea of where I think I want to end up, a cast of lead characters, and a hope & a prayer.
That’s it. 🙂
Will I end up with a sparkling manuscript, ready to be queried out?
No, but I hope to jog loose enough ideas so that I’ll have both a solid start on book 1, and a better idea of how this story will play out over the course of the series.
La Monica
I’m thinking about using NANO as a motivator to finish my current wip. I’m only like 5,000 words in and I was already writing dirty (no editing). Might as well give it a try and see how much further I can get.
Go for it LaMonica. NaNo is all about just getting words out. Last year, I couldn’t understand or appreciate that and I spent half my time editing my work. But doing the BIAM challenge earlier this year, really showed me something about myself and was instrumental in getting me to break some of my unproductive habits (like continuous editing).
Let me know if you sign up, add me as a writing buddy, I’m there as La-Tessa.
Chudney DeFreitas-Thomas
I’m going to sign up to use it for motivation as well. Though I might use it to get a rough draft of a fantasy I have in mt head while still working on the other.
I’m there! 😀
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Have I Mentioned Teh Hawtness? =-.
Tigris Eden
So its almost that time! We are so going to finish this! Love your site by the way!
Have a terrific friday and hopefully will see you in the water cooler tonight.
Thank’s Tigris. I am confident I can pull off a NaNo victory this year.
And of course I will see you in the water cooler later. 🙂
.-= LaTessa´s last blog ..On My Radar: Takers =-.