I did it.
I pulled the trigger and hit the “Send” button this morning, emailing my first two submission packets off.
Oddly enough, I’m not feeling nervous and anxious, like I thought I would be. Instead, I’m feeling good, confident in the quality of submission. Now, let’s hope they see something in my manuscript and are interested.
Now, time to get back to polishing the current wip, plotting out my next one, and cracking out the words on my NaNo project as I await feedback.
Robin Hillyer-Miles
I’m very proud of you La-Tessa! Sending your baby out into the world like a real PRO! Good luck and keep writing.
*claps hands*
.-= Allison´s last blog ..New Digs. AKA – Welcome to the Hellmouth. =-.
Chudney DeFreitas-Thomas
Go Tessa!
.-= Chudney DeFreitas-Thomas´s last blog ..Back to the grindstone. =-.