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Muse Inspiration

Muse Music: If You’re Out There

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Today’s Muse Music entry is inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2014.  I’m blessed with the ability and opportunity to provide for my […]

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Muse Music: Au Cinema

I’m in the “childbirth” phase of writing.  Yes, it is a painful as it sounds, but also as rewarding as it implies.  I’ve had ideas for 3 new stories to come to mind over the last month, or so.  In order to not lose the details of each idea, I’ve been working plotting and synopses. […]

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Permission to Write the Crap/Olimpica

I have been STRUGGLING lately to actually write my new wip I’m working on.  This is a fully flushed out idea (as full as I am going to get that is) with distinct beginning, middle, and end.  Not to mention characters that, while I don’t know extremely well, I do have a solid internal GMC […]

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Muse Music: If I Ever Get Around to Living

I am currently reworking my dark paranomal–yes again.  But until the mythos and back story feel right to me, I cannot proceed.  Such is my writing process.  But, not one to sit idle, I have begun working on a new contemporary romance.  This idea presented itself to me in a fully flushed out synopsis (the […]

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