May 2011 Savvy Bootcamp

Yes, yes. It’s that time again my friends. Tomorrow is day 1 of the Savvy Authors  May bootcamp.  I’m excited to get started. My newly finished UF draft will be my project for the month.  I’m hoping I can complete the total 1st round rewrites on it, thus  putting me in good shape to start my polishing phase for it in June.

I’ll admit, this is a highly ambitious project– undertaking  a 90k word rewrite in just 30 days– but I’m convinced with concentrated effort, I can pull it off.  My rough draft is a little over 80K words and I believe I can reuse atleast 85% of it for this next draft.  My main goals are to:

  1. Add a new Act I (roughly 20k words)
  2. Eliminate some now unnecessary scenes
  3. Rearrange a few scenes to better serve the plot
  4. Add about 15-20 k of new content. 

It won’t be easy, but generally nothing worth having , nor any goal worth attaining is. 🙂  I’m not going to lie to myself and even say I’ll do daily updates here as to my process, but I will do a weekly recap.

Best of luck to all my fellow bootcampers.

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