Friday night during downtime, I went to the historic section of Norcross, GA. My travel companions and I enjoyed it so much, that we went back the next day during the Arts Festival. Anyone who loves one of a kind art would absolutely LOVE this festival. The short time I was there made enough of an impression on me, that I am making tentative plans to visit again next year. Hopefully, it will be held during the same time as the Moonlight & Magnolias conference, and I can do both again.
We enjoyed the food and atmosphere so much at the Norcross Station Cafe, that we had dinner there both Friday and Saturday night. Let me tell you, the food was excellent and portions were huge. I have never tasted carrot cake as good as what I had there. And believe me, the resident dessert expert, that cake is worth another trip there all on it’s own.
Norcross Station Cafe

I loved the art work on the door, the cafe sits directly behind a working railroad.
Here are some pics I took at the festival:

I love this wine caddy 🙂

I LOVED these ornamental metal butterfies as well. The pic doesn’t do them justices, but they were the brillantly colored. They were also huge-LOL. It’s a good thing there was not enough room in my luggage for one 🙂

I loved the colors in this set. That blue was soo bright, it actually looked like it was moving.

I took me forever to get a decent picture of this clock, it reminded me of the clock tower in Back To The Future from some strange reason. Check out the harpist and the recorder player 😉
Unfortunately, because of the booths, I could not get any clear pictures of the store fronts. Also we were short on time, so I did not get any pictures of the beautiful, vintage homes in the area.
Oh well, there’s always next time.