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RWA Conference: 3 Pearls

There were 3 keynote speakers at conference this year, Janet Evanovich, Linda Howard and Eloisa James.  All three ladies gave excellent speeches and I brought back 1 main piece of advice ( pearl...

What’s a Theme??

This has been a recurring question I’ve seen posed in various online groups, workshops, and in my talkings with fellow writers over the past year.   According to Wikipedia, theme is: Theme...

Life after agents? Really?

I came across this article by Dean Wesley Smith via the message boards on the FF&P site. Now, I’m a newbie to this industry, but I found this article very interesting and conversation...

The NEW Plan

Today when I got home, my autographed copy of LOVER AVENGED by JR. Ward was sitting on my desk. Can you say “Woo- hoo”, because I know I did. I’ve been waiting on this...

Sometimes you need kick in the pants…

and sometimes you just need a hug. This is the predicament I found myself in this weekend.  As you know, I am working on my wip  and writing is much harder than I ever thought it would be. I have...

Interesting Sidebar

Earlier this week, while reading a reccommended article on POV, I got distracted (which is NOT hard to do, by the way) by another of the author’s posts.  This post, titled EVIL INSIDE,...