Permission to Write the Crap/Olimpica

I have been STRUGGLING lately to actually write my new wip I’m working on.  This is a fully flushed out idea (as full as I am going to get that is) with distinct beginning, middle, and end.  Not to mention characters that, while I don’t know extremely well, I do have a solid internal GMC with one, and an external GMC with the other that I can work with.

Yet. The. Words. Would. Not. Come

I am a perfectionist by nature, with a touch of OCD, and a pretty good smattering of anal retentiveness.  Which, as you can imagine, does not always play well with the more organic nature of my creative writing side.  But still, I consider my Starting Sludging Jitters–the name for the murky mire I have to type through in order to hit my productive stride on a story, to be the main issue that plagues my writing.  It has since I first started pursuing writing in 2008.

However, I am now 5 years into this, and I absolutely know better than to allow a stalled beginning on a first draft hold me up.  So this morning at got up at 5:30 am with one goal:

To write the damn book by placing my butt in the chair and my fingers on the keyboard.

I also did one other thing, I gave myself permission to write the crap as well.  As long as I was producing new words, I could write the lamest metaphor, the oldest cliche, or the longest stretch of stale telling that was ever placed on a sheet of paper.  Like I said, it’s sometimes tough for my regimented side that continually strives towards the impossible–a perfect first draft full of tension, conflict, balanced characters, and emotion–to produce what’s akin to lukewarm poo on the page.

It worked! Today in the 20 mins I was able to take for myself to write, I produced twice as many words as I did writing the ENTIRE DAY YESTERDAY.  (Don’t go getting excited, I didn’t produce a full masterpiece.  My progress  speaks more to me actually writing today vs. sitting around, zoned out, looking at my computer screen most of yesterday 🙂  ).  Not only do I have a few hundred words on the page, but I was also able to channel this new character for the first time.  For me, it’s a lovely feeling to connect with the character on the page.  And while I may be writing mostly dribble at this point, at least it’s dribble organic to my character and my story.  And most importantly, I’ve crossed the first hurdle and I’m actively writing my new wip.  YAY!!

Although today is Muse Music Monday,  I felt it more important to share my re-learned revelation of  giving yourself permission to write the crap in order to get to the gold.  However, I will not leave you without a muse inspiring selection. I present “Olimpica” by Roberto Cacciapaglia 🙂

Now if this doesn’t inspire you to get up and conquer something, I don’t know what will!

muse music


*Lyrics & music are property and copyright of their owners; provided here for educational purposes and personal use only.