I had a blast at my first ever Romance Slam Jam this year. In case you don’t know what the Romance Slam Jam is, it’s the premier gathering spot for readers, authors, and all around lovers of African American Romance. This year, the conference was held in Chicago, IL. Not only did I meet some of my favorite romance authors, but I met my review team from Romance In Color for the very first time.
Here we are, looking all cute and dolled up for the Emma Awards. From left to right you have me, Keren, Wayne (our fearless Editor In Chief), Marguerite, & Dee.
I also met some of my favorite authors, as well as, some up & coming authors you should be on the look out for:

Victoria Wells
It was such a pleasure meeting at RSJ! We had a blast! I hope to see you at RSJ again in 2009 🙂
From the looks of things you had way too much fun in Chicago! Wish I’d been there!
I’m so happy to see you so involved in this awesome venture! The pictures from RSJ are great. I’m so happy you’ve already met so many authors…and I’m sure what you’ve shown here is just a small sampling. And, of course, you’re just too cute in the pics. 🙂 I wish you only the best on your journey to becoming a published author. I have absolutely no doubts that your aspirations will come to fruition. Luv ya! 🙂 BTW, I met Kayla Perrin at a book signing in Cincinnati — she’s fabulous!